Friday, May 24, 2019

Gym Riot....

What team am I on...
That can't be, I'm on the blue team!

I should be on the white team for crying out loud!

Well, better find some blue.

Uggg, nothing!

Well, hello there.

I can use you!

It's a little tight.

There, perfect! Now I am ready for Gym Riot!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Puzzle skills

Let's work on this puzzle.
These will fit.


Why is this so hard?!
I give up.
I guess I'm not good at puzzles...
but I'm great at organizing books!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

The new yearbook is here!

The new yearbook is here!

Let me get it... were did it go?

Oh here it is.

Let's find me on the yearbook page!

That's not me.

That has to be a mistake!

Let me check again.

It's true! I'm not in the yearbook.

I guess I didn't help that much but I did watch the library while Ms. Armstrong trained yearbook staff and took extra photos.